There are several blogs that I read where families, especially babies and children, need prayer due to illness. So, I've been led to pray for these children and families I don't even know. Why, I though, should I not ask for prayer too, for my daughter. I'm shameless, but please know this post is written with a humble heart.
Our 14 month old was fitted for a DOC Band back in December to help with the flat spot on her head (plagiocephaly) she was born with. Due to the flat spot, the opposite side of her face (the left) is slightly sunken in. Her eye is set a little back from her right, and her left ear is further back than the right. The band helps direct growth into those areas, to help her face/head shape correctly. Please note that these 'imperfections' aren't that noticeable to people who aren't trained to look for it. I can see it, only because the therapist points it out to me. If her flat spot and face aren't corrected, it can eventually lead to TMJ (jaw misalignment), and could cause problems if she ever need glasses. These aren't super serious problems, mind you, but we want to give Sweet E every chance we can.
We went through 4 months of treatment, and in April, she outgrew the band. It had helped, but not to the extent we'd hoped, due to slowed growth rates. So, for this reason, she needs band #2. Here is where you come in. Our insurance company has been dragging its feet making the decision whether to cover the cost of her second band or not. They keep requesting additional information, and at this point, I really don't know what they could be lacking. They now say they'll make a decision by this coming Friday, May 8. Please pray that they'll cover the cost of the band. They are literally reviewing her case as I write this.
If it's not meant to be that they cover the cost, God has a reason. However, I know if they do cover it, it is literally an act of God. Insurance companies commonly don't even pay for band #1, but ours told us a month ago that they should pay, even for band 2. They only told us though - they didn't confirm they would. In the world of insurance telling and doing are two different things.
I'll continue to keep you updated, but would appreciate any prayers on Sweet E's behalf.
Aw, I'll surely pray for the right thing to be done for your sweet little bundle. :)
Hope you have a great vacation!
Your baby girl is in my prayers tonight.
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